Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Frankenstein and the Effects of Isolation

Isolation is the separation from others and/or society whether it be physically or emotionally. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, I believe that a central theme is that the isolation from family and society, especially at a time when one is faced with difficulty, can have a negative effect on a person. The main characters in the story, Victor Frankenstein and the monster, both experience the same suffering of being alone in different ways. The negative consequences are the death of their loved one and eventually the end of their own. Frankenstein chooses to be isolated from society and his family on his own.He travels away from home for his desire to obtain more knowledge about natural philosophy. He fancied about creating something new, something no one has ever done before. â€Å"I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation† (42). So then he created the monster. As soon as the monster awoke, Frankenstein ran away in fear for he created something so hideous that he couldn’t bare to even look at it. â€Å"My heart palpitated in the sickness of fear; and I hurried on with irregular steps, not daring to look about me† (51).Frankenstein emotionally isolated himself and soon fell ill. He couldn’t speak about it to anyone because he was too ashamed of himself for creating the monster. Unlike Frankenstein, the monster was forced to live in a world of isolation physically because of his appearance. He did not look like a human with his yellow eyes and muscles showing through his barely there skin. His face was threatening and he didn’t fit in with society even though he longed for acceptance. â€Å"I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property.I was, besides, endowed with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome I cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon me† (148). The monster wanted attention and the only way he knew how to get it was to kill anyone he could that was close to his creator, Frankenstein. The monster turns vengeful, but not because he is evil. It’s because the monster is filled up with overwhelming hate and anger because there is no one out there like him. The more he killed Victor's loved ones, the more attention the creature received from Victor. Eventually he had illed everyone close to Victor and had gained Victor's full attention, when Victor vowed to do everything within his â€Å"power to seize the monster† (190). Now both Victor and the creature had no one to love, only one person to seek revenge from. Isolation eventually leads to death is another recurring theme within the story. The monster kills everyone around close to Frankenstein because he wants him to know what it feels like to be alone. He started with his younger brother William which also resulted in the death of Justine who was blamed for the tragic incident.Even though Frankenstein knew it was h is fault his brother died, he couldn’t speak the truth in fear of what might happen to him. Next was Clerval, his best friend from childhood. Finally it was his beloved wife, Elizabeth. Isolation has a negative effect on Frankenstein by making him fall ill. â€Å"But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life. The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was forever before my eyes. By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered† (55).With Clerval by his side, Frankenstein recovered because he needed social interaction with someone he knew. Clerval opened up the pathways of communication to his family which is a way of getting back to the norm of society. Being alone made him feel worse and with his friend near, he gained back his life that he missed when he was tucked away creating the monster. He returned back home t o Geneva shortly after to escape his creation, only to find that it was already there and had already started his revenge. The monster longed for companionship as he hid away by himself longing for social interaction with the humans.He learned their language and observed how they interacted with each other and he desired the acceptance of society as a whole. In chapter 15, the monster decides to reveal himself to the cottagers he’s been observing. He first approaches De Lacy, a blind man, and because De Lacy could not see him, he did not reject him either. He says to De Lacy, â€Å"I am an unfortunate and deserted creature; I look around, and I have no relation or friend upon earth. These amiable people whom I go have never seen me, and know little of me.I am full of fears; for if I fail there, I am an outcast in the world forever† (119). De Lacy befriends him and says that he would try and help the monster. â€Å"I am blind, and cannot judge of your countenance, but there is something in your words which persuades me that you are sincere† (120). This shows that without knowing what the monster looked like, he was a good being and De Lacy held no prejudices against him. The monster asks De Lacy to protect him and to introduce him to his family, but they came home right that second. Agatha fainted and Safie rushed out of the cottage.Felix through the monster out and this is when he realized that he will never ever be accepted in society and from this moment on, he swears to revenge himself against all humans, especially his creator. I believe this proves that the monster was not created evil. He is like a human with the feelings of wanting to be accepted and to have friends. Through isolation from society, the negative consequences results in the vengeance of the monster. Throughout the novel, the feelings of hatred and isolation shared between Victor and the monster, led both of them to their own self-destruction.Frankenstein loss everythi ng and ventured out to find the monster so he could seek revenge. It took too long and the hardships of being alone eventually lead to his death. When Frankenstein passed, Walton found the monster crying by his side. He never meant to kill his creator and then realizes that what he did was wrong. His only companion was gone and now the monster grieved for the death of his creator. Isolation, both physically and emotionally, brought out the evil side to the characters. It caused them to do things that were not in their nature and then in the end, they both paid for it with their lives.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hanging Tongues

In the article â€Å"Hanging Tongues: A Sociological Encounter with the Assembly line† Thompson (1983) there are many connections between the Physical structure of the beef processing plant and the social structure of those working within it. The layout, design and decor of the beef plant both directly and metaphorically impact on the social structure within the plant, pertaining to (among other examples) a sense of isolation, hierarchies, formalisation and standardisation. The physical layout of the beef processing plant appears to be similar to many other assembly line factories, the ‘kill floor’ as Thompson refers to it, being a large open space with work stations located around the area. Thompson describes an â€Å"Overhead stainless steel rail†¦ curved its way around every work station in the plant. † We see that although physically all the different work stations on the ‘kill floor’ are connected, the connection is mechanical, part of the layout of the factory. Despite the open plan space in the factory there is much isolation among the workers, even though they are all working on the same production line. Although most workers know each other on sight, it is unlikely that they would know more than first names due to the nature of the work they are doing. Each worker on Thompson’s ‘offal’ station was expected to handle 187 tongues per hour, plus cleaning of racks and trays. This is quite a high work rate and there is little time for small-talk with co-workers. This rate required from workers creates a division between the workers who have little time to stop, besides designated breaks and management who seemingly ‘sit behind their desks all day’. Also concerned with the layout of the factory was the separation of the ‘kill floor’ with the executive offices. This layout in the factory underlines the hierarchy of the social structure within the plant. At the bottom of the ladder we have the workers. They work on the ‘kill floor’ which is the dirtiest, most dangerous and most monotonous job. The Management and executives of the company are at the top of the hierarchy, they are separated physically from the ‘kill floor’ as they cannot be seen to get dirty themselves. This would make them subordinates to their ‘equals’ in the business world. Little is noted of the management in â€Å"Hanging Tongues† except that they â€Å"Rarely ventured† to the ’kill floor’ where Thompson’s research took place. Their offices are separate, keeping them isolated from the dirty, dangerous work on the factory floor. The other physical separation in the beef plant was between the inspectors and the workers. There is understandable animosity between the two groups. As they start the inspectors are on a lower wage than the workers. This is presumably because the nature of the inspector’s job is a lot less dangerous, and less physically demanding than that of the ‘beefers’. The only interaction between inspectors and workers is of a negative nature, as the inspector will be telling the worker that the work is not of a high enough standard, this slows the progress of the workers and causes resentment towards the inspectors. Due to this negative interaction, inspectors are kept separate from workers eating â€Å"in a separate lunchroom† according to Thompson. The design and decor of the beef processing plant also contribute to the social structure of the workers. Almost everything on the ‘kill floor’ is made of stainless steel, the benches, knives, tubs etc. This sterile equipment makes a sterile working environment, which makes the workers feel that their workplace is even more impersonal. Some other aspects of decor and design also lead the workers to this isolated mindset. Sealed cement floors and Ceramic tile walls are cold and impersonal. Everything is cleaned down at every break and shift change, as if the workers had never been there. There is no sense of individualism for the workers, instead we see in action the â€Å"metaphor of the organisation as a machine† Morgan (1998). Whereby the workers are not considered as individuals, but as functioning parts of a machine, objects that do their part in order to create a finished product (in this case a butchered cow). Another example of the decor observed by Thompson was that of the safety posters plastered over the walls, reminding workers that they should be wearing safety equipment, and working carefully at all times. This decor around the workspace (where we can imagine that management have pictures of their families instead) creates another division between â€Å"us† (the workers) and â€Å"them† (management). The posters also serve to remind the workers that their jobs are undeniably dangerous, workers being forced to face the fact that every day they are working they are in physical danger from the jobs they do. One last observation about the decor in the factory is the lack of clocks. Management try to control certain aspects of the workers day, this is one way in which they do it. By not letting workers know that their break / end of shift is going to arrive management are trying to avoid the inevitable ‘slacking off’ before the end of a shift, or ducking out early. This control is one thing that workers have tried to regain, as the person at the start of the production line starts â€Å"clanging his knife against the metal† when the break in the line appears. The knife banging gets passed from station to station and Thompson said he knew that â€Å"it was exactly 35 minutes until the end of the line would reach me†. Even though it is really just a symbolic way of gaining some control back, it is an important form of communication between the normally isolated workers. Formalisation, pertaining to rules and procedures implemented at the beef processing plant are an important dimension of organisational social structure. Hatch (2006), states that â€Å"formalization tends to reduce the amount of discretion employees have in performing their work tasks†. The physical structures that the beef plant has that connect with this statement are numerous. The posters about wearing safety equipment are one example; the sterile, dangerous equipment they use is another. Formalisation, according to Hatch, also helps to determine pay levels. In Thompson’s â€Å"Hanging Tongues† we see a specific example of this in the reference note stating that the ‘shackler’ is paid 10cents per hour more than the workers because of the more dangerous nature of his job, dealing with flying hooves, and hooks and chains. Standardisation is a dimension of organisational social structure that is inherent in Thompson’s â€Å"Hanging Tongues†. Much mention is made of the monotony of the work. The workers do the same job, in the same way, day after day. Their surroundings and equipment are always the same. It is this ombination of standardised work and surroundings that connects the social and physical structures in this beef plant. The work may be efficient, but the monotony and the dangerous aspects of the job are crucial factors in the high turnover of staff in assembly line jobs. There are many connections between the physical and social structures of the beef processing plant that Thompson has stud ied. Hierarchies and divisions of labour are common practice in social structure, as in many organisations they are the easiest way to get work done effectively. The same is true of physical structures based upon keeping management away from the dirty work, or ‘kill floor’. What is important is that we can see how these structures impact upon each other making the business what it is. References Hatch, M. J. (with Cunliffe, A) (2006). Organisation Theory: modern, symbolic, postmodern perspectives. (2nd Ed. ). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Morgan, G. (1998). Images of organisation: The executive edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage pp 3-13. Thompson, W. E. (1983). Hanging Tongues: A sociological encounter with the assembly line. Qualitative Sociology 6 (3), 215-237.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Charlotte Accepting The Job Commerce Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Charlotte Accepting The Job Commerce Essay The advantages of Charlotte accepting job is can focus the experience and expertise. This is because Charlotte can focus in their job that he like to do. Whereas the advantages of Charlotte accepting job is the demand on the manager’s time is high, ambiguous and uncertain operating environments and resistance to change is low. QUESTION 2 Explain the change in roles and skills of management that charlotte has to play and have with her position. Charlotte firstly worked as machine operator its roles just be a staff that work at lower levels her has little experience and knowledge. She had interpersonal roles work at Coccob four year and she has opportunities be a plant supervisor. She are good employees doesn’t missed work at four year work and she had one of the high quality and quantity in organizations .she had the technical skill is the ability to utilize tools ,techniques and procedures that are specific to a particular fields. In additions,, charlotte had the human skill is the ability to work effectively with others and she had the conceptual skill that the ability to analyze complex situations like she can suitable with position that its take. QUESTION 3 Describe how Charlotte might expect to be involved in performances of the four management functions. Management process are an administrative activities aimed at defining a process, establishing responsibilities, evaluating process performance and identifying opportunities for improvement. Management process is including the four processes that is planning, control, leading and organization. Planning process can be define as a process or activities that setting a goal or list the actions necessary to achieve one goals. when charlotte become the plant supervisor, indirectly she has involve in planning process. This is because as a supervisor, she was responsible with the development and performances of company, where she was working. As a plant supervisor, she has to do a schedules work assi gnments for the junior employees to make sure the junior employees was doing their work accordingly and in systematic ways. Charlotte has to plan an schedule for her junior employees. Next process is the organizational process where the plant supervisor need to determined the task to be done, people or employees that responsible with that task and how that task will be managed and coordinated. Charlotte is responsible to organize the schedule or task to be given to the junior employees. Charlotte must ensure that, the information about the task must be stated clearly to the junior employees in order to make sure they can know what they really have to do. Next is, the leading process. As a plants supervisor, charlotte also have to leading the junior employees such as gives them motivate in order to make sure, the goal of the company can be archive. A leader must has the ability to motivate people, know the employee behavior and also has an communication effectiveness in order to make sure information can be shared to all of the people effectively. Charlotte also must be able to show the leadership quality and must be able to solve any problem. The last one process is control. Control can be define as process of controlling or monitoring the performance of the organization and its progress in implementing strategic and operational plans. Charlotte has to control the employees performances, in order to make sure that the performance can lead to the organization goals.

Child Abandonment kill(affect) children Research Paper

Child Abandonment kill(affect) children - Research Paper Example Additionally, political conditions may contribute towards abandonment as evident in the Romanian revolution (Nelson, Fox and Zeanah 64). Child abandonment may also be associated with the lack of institutions such as orphanages, which take care of children in case their parents or guardians fail to support them. Child abandonment is a very serious problem, which affects the long-term development of a child. Parents should be careful before abandoning their children because it can cause long-term psychological impact, raise trust issues and expose the child to physical and mental health problems. According to Karen Maier, children who are abandoned harbor long-standing senses of shame and loss. These children may either idealize or reject the absent parent. Karen (2013) stated, â€Å"children who completely reject their absent parents strive to be the exact opposite of the parent who abandoned them† (Maier 2). Conversely, children who idealize the parent who abandoned them have a tendency of developing fantasies about them in order to provide temporary comfort. Long-term psychological impact of child abandonment include issues such as problems maintaining long-term relationships, depression, eating disorders, social disabilities, cognitive or learning disabilities and low self-esteem. Children who have been abandoned experience disorganized or insecure attachment with other people. As a result, they have problems interacting with others or maintaining long-term relationships (Clothier 1). Patterns of child-parent or caregiver attachments are important during growth. These patterns determine the social and emotional development of the child. Children who have been abandoned have insecure attachment with others because their primary source of protection or safety, in this case the parent, abandoned them. These children consider their parents as a source of harm, which leaves the child in an irresolvable state of conflict. Abandoned

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Increase in prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Increase in prices - Essay Example However inflation cannot always be termed as "bad" if seen in terms of higher money incomes. The higher prices of everything would result in higher receipts for resource suppliers and hence a growth in their income levels. Inflation usually results in the standard of living to decline because it now costs more to buy the same amount of goods and services. However there are some cases where the rising prices do not necessarily mean declining living standards. Following are some of the factors: Nominal Income: If the economy is suffering from a period of rising prices and at the same time there is a commensurate rise in the level of income, this would not lead to a decline in living standards. This is because the increase in prices is offset by the proportionate increase in income, resulting in an unchanged consumption pattern. This is assuming everything else is constant. Real income: This is the income that is adjusted for inflation. In cases where the nominal income is rising but the rate at which it is growing is less than the inflation rate, it would not lead to a boost in the standard of living. This is because the inflation will erode the purchasing power of money and people will be spending the extra income in the purchasing of the same amount of goods and services. ... Since almost all countries are plagued by inflation, people look at their real income to determine their purchasing power rather than the nominal income. Tax structure: In an economy where there is a favourable tax structure, the spending patterns are high. This is due to the fact that even though inflation is prevalent, people still have more of the disposable income left over after their regular purchases. The spending patterns have a multiplier effect and in turn lead a general boom in the economy. The excess spending means people are demanding more goods and services signalling to the producers to produce more. Since the level of production needs to be increased, producers would demand more labour and more production would thus lead to an increase in the national income of the country. To sum it up, tax breaks given to the people will not lead to a decline in the standard of living even in the presence of rising prices. Labour: If the economy has more of the skilled labour as compared to the unskilled workforce and the labour productivity is high, this would also result in a higher standard of living. This is attributed to the fact that since the labour is skilled it would demand higher wages for each extra output it produces. Since the employers would want to retain the skilled labour, it would have to pay higher wages otherwise the labour would find jobs elsewhere. The higher wages would cause more spending and this would maintain or boost the standard of living even though the economy might be in the grips of inflation. Interest rate: The level of interest rates in an economy is an important factor in determining the spending patterns of the consumers. If the interest rate is low, then borrowing is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Health care - Essay Example Since, they deem politicians or administrators lack adequate medical experience useful in devising policies meant to upgrade medical field as necessitated (Williams & Torrens, 2008). The assuming of administrative roles by medical professionals is of great importance (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Since, they do possess adequate knowhow regarding their sector besides varied experiences, which they do posses. Therefore, while in the top, they will devise and execute policies as per their knowledge regarding various issues, which entail quick response, or undertaking (Williams & Torrens, 2008). This is contrary to the politicians or elected administrators who in most cases end up devising or implementing irrelevant policies. Since, they do not align with what may be of great essence at a particular period (Holmes, 2010). Mainly, these mistakes adversely affect service delivery thus extending to the patients and even practitioners (Williams & Torrens, 2008). The issue’s concern via the assistance of health professionals will improve medical field’s operations. Since, the field’s experts will be in a position to offer advice to politicians and ensu re certain essentials are in place. These essentials not only ease service delivery but also ensure that practitioners’ working conditions are secure (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Besides, the assuming of administrative roles by health professionals will aid in linking other related sectors effectively, which a politician could not have thought about them. For instance, suppliers, accrediting agencies besides devising policies meant to ensure suitable service delivery especially by varied health organizations (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Both the topic and issue of concern bear critical roles of ensuring HMO operations run smoothly (Williams & Torrens, 2008). This is because

Friday, July 26, 2019

Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction The kinetics of a Lab Report

Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction The kinetics of a Thiosulfate Solution - Lab Report Example The first protonation occurs at the sulfur atom. (Holleman & Wiberg, 2001) Various approaches are used to study the kinetics of reactions. A usual procedure is to monitor some property, such as intensity of color due to a reactant or product, which changes during the course of a reaction. In the present experiment, the priority studied is the precipitation of a product, sulfur, which forms when solution of hydrochloric acid and Thiosulfate are mixed. On mixing a solution of acid, such as HCI, and a thiosulfate solution, there is an initial time-delay, then a precipitate of sulfur appears fairly sharply. The time interval between initial mixing and sulfur precipitation is a measure of the initial rate of reaction (i.e. the amount of time for a given amount of product, sulfur, to form). Recall that a rate for a chemical reaction is expressed as an amount of product formed (or reactant used up) divided by the time interval of the change: The aim of my experiment is to determine the dependence of the initial rate of reaction on the initial concentration of thiosulfate ion. The concentration of the other reactant, H+, will be kept constant. A higher initial concentration of thiosulfate will lead to faster rate of reaction, since an increase in the number of thiosulfate ions per unit volume will lead to higher probability for successful collision. (2) A solution of 1 M sodium thiosulfate, is available (center bench or hood). Add 70 mL of this solution to 210 mL of water to make a solution approximately 0.25 M in thiosulfate. We will refer to this as your "stock thiosulfate solution". (7) The experiment is now repeated four more times, using progressively more dilute thiosulfate solutions. Note, however, that for each experiment, the disappearance of the "X" corresponds to formation of the same amount of precipitated sulfur in the reaction mixture. The diluted solutions are prepared as follows: Both

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic plan for healthcare enterprise Assignment

Strategic plan for healthcare enterprise - Assignment Example As an independent faculty, MFA is dedicated to ensuring that they provide quality, safe and affordable medical care for everyone who steps in one of the clinics all over the Washington, D.C area. The faculty has invested in training and recruiting new doctors that bring with them new ways of dealing with crucial cases that may arise in the clinics. Being an association of physicians, the faculty covers a wider scope of the medical industry. Therefore, there is, need to invest resources in training the members with the new ways of treatment. In addition, the faculty has to invest in acquiring new technology that eases the process of treatment. This will help the faculty to continually add to the experience and the range of the treatments that it offers. The technology will have to be in line with the regulations that have been stipulated by the FDA on medications and technology. The Business process that is currently used by the organization, works well for the organization in pushing its agenda. However, as times change, new regulations on the business process of the industry forces the faculty to adjust so that they can full fill the legal obligations that have been set. The business process has to be on point so that the faculty cannot land in problems. Investing in a good business process might seem as the best option to improve the services offered by the faculty. However, the business process needs to be in line with the needs of the faculty and the regulations set by the FDA. The success of the faculty needs to be in line with the appropriate FDA guidelines (ETQ, 2012). Swift development of business process software’s that provide solutions to the changing market demands need to adhere to these regulations. It is important for the faculty to research well before employing the services of any software. The faculty has ensured that the technolog y for the business process has fulfilled all the regulation set by the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Antiquity of the American Concept of Evidence Essay

The Antiquity of the American Concept of Evidence - Essay Example Even though evidence principle is mostly the conception of common law juries, the United States organized these in 1975 and named them the Federal Rules of Evidence. Even though the federal law is valid merely to federal court cases, almost all states have used them, at times with differences, like their evidence doctrine (Hall & Clark, 2002, 281). Several current elements of American concept of evidence developed from antiquity, such as (1) original writing, (2) privileges, (3) policy-based exclusions, (4) rule 403, and (5) relevance. Due to the fact that written documents can be quite important to the result of court trials, and still can quickly be fabricated, the codes show a firm partiality for original documents. The law is disposed to give up evidence that it hopes to safeguard from admission in order to protect particular relationships (Hall & Clark, 2002). Some of the most common of such ‘privilege’ are discussions with one’s spouse, attorney, etc. (p. 28 1). Policy-based exclusions state that specific laws express social policy partialities to keep out evidence in particular circumstances despite of its relevance. Rule 403 implies that the most vital principle of exclusion of pertinent evidence grants wide judgment to judges to rule out evidence which, even though pertinent, does more to hamper than to promote logical judgment (Hall, 1989). And lastly, according to Hall & Clark (1989), relevance means that merely relevant evidence is acceptable, and relevant evidence is acceptable except if ruled out.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Term Paper

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication - Term Paper Example Communication is particularly important during times of crisis or emergency, especially during cases related to health and wellbeing. Through effective crisis and emergency communication, the community or group in question can aid in the dissolution of problems, but a failure of communication during a crisis can compound the problems. This is because sound crisis communication is necessary to the process of intervention planning (CDC 11). Well-planned and executed emergency risk communication, which is blended into the different phases of the crisis response continuum, can increase the potential of addressing the crisis, particularly where the resources available for risk resolution are limited and should be channeled to areas where they are critically needed (CDC 13). Crises necessitating groups or organizations’ to employ effective risk communication Crises include national, multi-state investigations on disease outbreak, or the exploration of environmental crisis (CDC 14). Examples of these crises include waterborne, airborne, food borne, vector borne, chemical, toxic material, natural disaster, infectious agent, and radiological-related risks (Coombs 242). One example is the case of a natural disaster that requires the immediate attention of the government and other authorities. The agents of crisis communication could include the relief organizations that respond and provide aid to those affected by the crisis, or the NGOs that come to offer aid. The aid may entail retrieving the victims that are most vulnerable to the risks arising from the crisis situation. The second form of crisis is triggered by an unknown infectious compound, which has the potential to spread to other parts of the country or region. Examples include water-related and large-scale ecological crises. The third form of crisis, which requires effective risk communication, is site specific crisis, where the crisis takes place at a given area, and the crisis can be controlled at the site (Coombs 242). Examples include laboratory incidents, the death of an employee or a student at the campus grounds, hostage event at campus, bomb threats and a fire or explosion incident. The last form of crisis, which calls for effective crisis communication, includes terrorist attacks – whether chemical or biological – after the terrorist activities are suspected or declared (Combs 165). The risk of disaster or emergency is worsened by a number of factors that come into play within the society with each requiring effective crisis communication, and in a timely manner, in order to avoid the expansion of the threat to a larger group. These factors include the global increase in population density, the increment of settlements at risk-prone locations, the increment of technological risks in the society, and the emergency of infectious illnesses. Other factors include the increment of international travel and the escalating threat posed by terrorism globally (Coombs 2 41). Due to the increase in the risk factors that contribute to the development of a crisis in society, risk communication is required at any site of emergency or risk. Crisis communication – for this context – is defined as the process of communicating about the situation facing the given organization or setting, to the stakeholders of the organization and the public (Combs 164). Crisis or emergency communication is initiated after the incidence of an emergency, crisis or a disaster. Emergencies, crises, and disasters have one thing in common, which is that they all relate to the incidence of an adverse event, which has either taken place or which is taking place. After any event, which is adverse or unexpected happens, it is possible to refer to the given incidence as an

Puritans Paper Essay Example for Free

Puritans Paper Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America has become the world’s superpower for quite a long time since after the Depression Years. It is able to sustain its position then and now depending on anybody’s viewpoint. If the Religious Right, the Evangelicals or Fundamentalists, were to be asked why America is what it is today in the world’s affairs, they’d readily attribute it to the spiritual dimension: the favor of God is with this country since its pioneering days when the early Christians settled here from England. Among the pioneers are now popularly known as the Puritans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Who they were, how they lived, what their basic or fundamental beliefs were, and how much they played a part to what America or even the world has become, no one could possibly estimate to its closest description. All we know is the heritage which they passed on to this great country. They played a great role in establishing the first free schooling, first formal education, and first American college, Harvard in Cambridge, and the first to write books for children expressing the distinct difference in communicating with this age level (Kizer). These were some of their contributions and they are no small feats if one has to consider their impact to civilization. This paper attempts in prà ©cis to describe the Puritans, peeking into their distinctiveness and their other contributions to the country and the world. Discussion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Puritanism was a movement within the Anglican Church in England during the time of Oliver Cromwell which was in reaction to the growing discontent regarding the religious, moral and societal practices of their day. They were considered dissenters and deemed that those in the leadership were beyond reform, hence, the many that set sail and settled in America during the colonial era. New England had become their home and from there, sprang the shapers of this country’s religious character. This was best attributed to the works of the great American preacher Jonathan Edwards and other leaders like him in what was recognized as the Great Awakening. The Puritans acknowledged only the tenets of the Bible, and only from its pages are the only valid or authentic laws which are to be applied to all aspects of living. It was the Puritans who tore away the established church’s ruling that only those in the clergy have the access to God. They somehow succeeded to remove the rituals and formalities that â€Å"Christianity† in general has accumulated from the early years (Johnson Woloch, â€Å"United States (History)†, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are some myths or misinformation carried down the years that form a wrong perception of the Puritans. Firstly, the original/actual English Puritans were not a small group of dissenters, but in fact a big organized people who succeeded in the Parliament of England with Cromwell at the helm. However, this was not for long, the fact that some of them were forced to immigrate to America to escape religious and political persecution. Secondly, stories abounding about witchcraft trials and all that only came later after the hundred plus years that they have already settled and â€Å"multiplied† and successfully built their communities. From 17, 800 in population around 1640s, they grew to 106,000 by 1700. Being exclusive was forefront in their religious stand including the strong spirituality that spilled over their laws in communal living and relations. Nonetheless, their isolation was the main danger that they had posed to themselves. The apostolic church in the New Testament served as their model for way of living and the accountability is both individual and by church congregations wherever they were. They believed in predestination which actually affected their understanding of other aspects of their lives. One of which was what was termed as a strong Protestant work ethic (Kizer, â€Å"Puritans†). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much can be said about the reformation that started in England which was successful in their day and the migration to America that further changed the landscape of what this country has since become after they came. After spirituality that they protected and communicated down their descendants and shaped others who came to their influence, the Puritans’ foremost contribution is the intellectual development and progress that marked America. Religion was the fuel for this intellectual pursuit, and even scientific breakthroughs came about as a result of the Puritans’ emphasis in education. The resulting healthy economy, strong political convictions from the biblical emphasis, and consistent formal learning hallmarked the Puritans and perhaps no other group of people contributed much to the preservation of the American way of life even until today. Works Cited Page Kizer, Kay. â€Å"Puritans.† Accessed August 28, 2007 http://: 9k   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Johnson, Paul E., and Woloch, Nancy. United States (History). Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example for Free

Personal Statement Essay I was asked to winter formal my freshman year of high school by the Air Force JROTC commander who just happened to be a senior. Having the head-person in charge even talk to me at all was a big deal back then. I still don’t know how it happened, but with a bit of dumb luck and a lot of late nights out, we started dating. Danail and I were on top of the world. There was nothing we couldn’t accomplish if we set our minds to it, and so we did. We were always out on adventures. You could catch us hiking, backpacking, or just hanging out with friends, but we always had huge smiles on our faces. Slowly getting to know each other better, and planning our futures together, one important detail I found out is that during her sophomore year of high school she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was in remission, but at the expense of having to endure extensive treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. Halfway through my sophomore year (we were still dating) she was re-diagnosed with malignant tumors in her abdomen. She went through several hospitals and even more treatment plans, keeping her optimism high and still living to love life. Fast forward to this last summer when at 2am on June 12th, 2012 at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Arizona, our last hope, Danail Lynn Frey took her last breath. She meant more to me than I could ever comprehend at the time, and my life was suddenly derailed in an instant. Immediately after Danail passed away, I felt abandoned and without purpose. I had shaped my life around this one individual and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know what I wanted. Danail was a nursing student at ASU, and we had always planned on me becoming a doctor, and then us joining an organization that benefits third world countries. Having to change my original plans of becoming a neurosurgeon to shape my future with someone else was definitely not an easy decision. Now I didn’t know what to do, and I had to get out. With that being the first summer that I wasn’t packed full of already scheduled activities, I ended up learning how to scuba dive and I went on a trip to San Carlos, Mexico. This trip was just the chance I needed to get out of the painfully familiar places at home and really let me think about what I was going to do. I realized that I had to regain a sense of self and maybe even some independence. Having witnessed first-hand Danail’s amazing oncology team provide for her the care she most certainly deserved, I was able to better fully realize that I knew being in healthcare, more specifically being a physician, was still in store for my future. On top of that, being in the Civil Air Patrol’s emergency services team and already having a background in search and rescue attending the National Emergency Services Academy in Indiana, I decided to combine the two. This thought process started a new personal track revolving around my future that ignited a new fire and passion having been able to better understand the realities of medicine. With that combination, my new focus all geared toward bettering our current healthcare system and looking into international rescue and relief with organizations like the WHO. All of these events helped shape what I want to be, and ultimately, at the end of the day, I know I will realistically change my mind again. Currently here is where I am at. I know it may sound eager, unrealistic, and possibly even pretentious to say this with the only one-specialty or track that doctors are supposed to choose, but maybe eventually not. I would like to practice in multiple fields that I believe are all connected to make the ultimate healer. I have interned as an ophthalmic technician learning about eyes and optics, which has really intrigued me. However, I have also always been fascinated by human behavior and the inner workings of the mind and plan to potentially major in neuroscience. Because of all the second-hand chemo and radiation tragic memories that I experienced, I want to bring alternative cures to cancer into tested clinical environments studying oncology. On top of that, I will always be in the rescue settings. So, trauma and world health medicine are also on my mind. I want to always build upon my education and health experience to incorporate that knowledge into a practice of its own. If Danail taught me anything, it would have been how to love, and that if I set my mind to something, especially as important as medicine, I need to remain true to my goals and use her as my inspiration to achieve them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Deposit Mobilisation in Banks

Deposit Mobilisation in Banks Deposit mobilisation is one of the crucial functions of a conventional financialinstitutions or banks to satisfy one of the requirements of a banking business, i.e.sourcing of funds or borrowing money from customers.Continuous and adequate deposit mobilisation would ensure the bank shall be able tosustain its business of lending and investing, thus incurring profit for future growth.Nevertheless, different types of deposits have different and distinct characteristics andfeatures which in consequence impose different risks and costs to the banks. Therefore, inmany cases, deposit mobilisation strategy relies heavily to the banks asset and liabilitymanagement policy.In a relationship between bank and depositors, the rights and duties for both parties varyaccording to the nature of deposit mobilisation. The ability of the bank to fulfil their duties is an important measure of the banks acceptance by the public, or by far as acomparison yardstick with other banks. Deposit mobilisation of a bank and its importance a. Introduction Banks mobilise deposits as their primary source of funds. Having optimaldeposits level, banks shall be able to lend the funds to generate interest onlending. In addition to lending, the deposits fund can be placed in certaininvestments avenues which suits the banks or the deposits objectives.Deposit mobilisation is a continuous function for a bank to ensure the sumtotal of deposits at any time adequate to maintain the current level of lending and investments especially to compensate the withdrawals madeby depositors. Usually, the deposits level is kept slightly or certainpercentages above the lending and investments level to ensure the bank has adequate cash reserves to meet expected withdrawals and alsorecurring withdrawals. The cash reserves are called Liquidity Reserves.Deposits bring costs to the banks, either on the maintenance of thedeposits and its transactions or on the interest payout onto the depositsupon deposit maturity.b. How Bank Mobilises Deposits Bank receives deposits from individuals, organisations and businesses,initially by opening an account with the bank itself. Based on the types of deposits, minimum initial deposits are set together with the rules andregulations governing the accounts.Subsequent deposits can be made into the accounts, except for timedeposits where the amount is fixed until deposit maturity.Depositors maintain deposits with specific banks due to many factors, butin particular trust and confidence with the banks are the major factors.Once these are established, the banks continuously attract depositors anddeposits by providing convenience banking, quality services, excellentbrand association and higher interest payout.However, there are instances where depositors put their money into thebanks mainly for security purposes, i.e. the banks to protect their moneyfrom loss and theft and also warrant the deposits from investment loss. Assuch in Malaysia the government provides guarantee upon deposits placedwi th commercial banks. 59 Banks are competing against each other to attract deposits and newdepositors. Normally interest payout rates, locations and services are themain attractions to the mass market. However, some banks are going intothe niche markets and thus providing specific attractions to the targetedmarket segment. One example is the pensioners group, where specificproducts are developed with special features which suit their lifestyles.Sometimes banks do promotions with door-gifts, lucky draw, establishsavings clubs, staff get customers programme and else to ensure thedepositors base and deposits keep growing and to instil loyalty to thedepositors.Some deposits products have also grown from a single purpose deposits tocombined purpose products to meet higher expectations from customers.For example, attachment of insurance scheme, combination with debitcard, etc.c. The importance of deposits Deposits are the primary source of funds for a bank, which facilitates theuses of funds (loans and investments). The higher the deposits amount, thebigger the lending and investments portfolio can be maintained by thebanks to sustain its expansion and future growth.The banks must have adequate deposits to meet the lending volumerequired by the public and at the same time maintain extra cash for withdrawals by depositors. The cash reserve is a component of liquidityreserves which measure the ability of the bank to meet its expectedwithdrawals and recurring withdrawals. The withdrawals made from thereserves are oddly-offset against new deposits which the banks shouldcontinuously mobilise. The inability to get sufficient deposits could resultin negative fund situation.The level of deposits growth also indicates the banks performance inrelation to customers satisfaction on interest payout and servicesrendered.d. Deposits as key liquidity indicator Deposits are made mainly in cash, the most liquid asset for banks. Oncewithdrawal requests are made by depositors, banks must immediatelyprovide cash for that particular purpose. As compared to other liquiditycomponents such as short term investments which take time to beconverted into cash, it is rather wise for a bank to simply get moredeposits beyond the withdrawal amount. 60 However, the percentage of the cash reserves must be kept at optimumlevel. Idle cash does not create profit, but in fact, brings additional costs interms of storage and insurance. Therefore, by maintaining cash reserves atoptimal level enables bank to generate maximum profits from lending andinvestment activities.The costs for cash reserves are mainly on the storage and insurance. Thestorage of cash reserves involves the requirement for adequate vaultrooms, cash in-transit security and cash handling at branches. Theinsurance costs are to cover the amount of cash available anytime atbranches or in-transit from loss, fire and theft. It generally covers themaximum cash amount allowed at branches or in-transit

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay example --

  Gathered from the article "Women Get the Vote† in the New York Times, â€Å"Back in July 1776, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all men are created equal, but it didn't say anything about women.†(Roberts, Smith), this quote reflects the central idea of the women suffrage movement. The goal was for women to be recognized with the same rights as men, which they achieved (Smiltneek). Thanks to the suffrage movement, America has been forever changed and opened new doors for females. Women of society have evolved into a strong and independent union from the resulting actions of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.   Early history, dating back before the women’s suffrage movement, is a key factor to the initiation to the fight for women’s rights. As far back as the Declaration of Independence, women who owned property actually had the right to vote in New Jersey but it took thirty years and that was no longer allowed in the beginning of the 1800’s (Roberts, Smith). The factor that sparked the Women’s Suffrage Movement was Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott being excluded from the World’s Anti-Slavery Convention due to the fact they were females (Smiltneek). This led the women to composing the Declaration of Sentiment and Resolutions. It is a document laying out the concerns pertaining to women. Seneca Falls, New York marks the inception of the movement for women’s suffrage. This historical phase took place in the year of 1848 when Elizabeth Cady Stanton along with Lucretia Mott endorsed their document. In addition to signing this doc ument, they also composed it. Points they addressed in their testimony included the lack of education arranged for women as well as occupational openings, and laws regarding to custody of childre... ...rought positive enhancements in the duration and afterwards. In Wyoming, women were elected as mayors and an all-women’s fire department was dedicated to them. Other significant effect included Susan Wissle becoming the first mayor of Wyoming in the town Dayton of 1911. Nellie Tayloe Ross was also the first female governor in the whole nation (Layser). This paragraph’s focal point was to visualize some mass effect and historical alterations that would not have occurred at that time if the women’s suffrage movement had not taken place.   In conclusion, society’s women have progressed from having limited rights to having privileges they deserved all along, and in doing so, they have achieved a lifetime of rewards. The women’s suffrage movement also defined women gaining more independence by taking control of their rights as well as becoming stronger during this battle.

short story :: essays research papers

A NEW PAGE by P. Ringon It’s been two weeks, and I haven’t made any real friends. It’s just that, I feel as if no one likes me. Sure, I’ve talked to a few people, like Jessica and this really hot guy Chase, but I’m starting to feel lonely again. I mean, I was captain of the cheerleading squad at my old school, and was one of the popular girls. Diary, I just don’t get it. Well, whatever, I’m way too tired to keep on writing so, let’s just hope tomorrow will be at least a little different from the norm, that I’m slowly getting used to. Until next time. Carissa woke up the next morning and carelessly stumbled out of bed. She looked in the mirror and thought no wonder no one’s really talked to me, I look like crap. Despite her morning thoughts, she and everyone else knew how gorgeous she actually was. With her hair done, face fresh, clean, made-up, and new clothes to show off, she headed out the door and jumped into her car. She sped down to the nearest Starbucks, just like she did every morning. She finally got to school, still getting used to how different things looked compared to her old one. Carissa was still not used to her dad’s line of work, even though it was the fourth time his company had transferred him. Following the same routine she had been going through for the past two weeks, Carissa sat in the courtyard and read one of her favorite novels, The Joy Luck Club, and sipped on her brand-name cappuccino with extra whipped cream, hoping that someone would take interest in her and maybe even spark a new friendship. Carissa was reading †¦water had turned a deep golden color, and then red, purple, when she was suddenly startled by someone who knocked over her cappuccino. Without even looking to see who did it she blabbed out, â€Å"Look! You need to watch where you’re going, Loser.† Carissa looked up and suddenly felt her heart sink and her face turn as red as an apple. It was Chase, and before she could even begin to apologize, he jumped in saying, â€Å"Oh, damn. Hey, umm, it’s Carissa, right? I’m so sorry, I was totally zoned out. Here, I have a Starbucks ‘ccino, too, and I didn’t even do so much as breathe on it yet.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Critical Analysis of Strategies that Promote Inclusive Practice in As

This essay will examine two assessment strategies, firstly that of observation and secondly, The Common Assessment Framework (2007), in order to critically analyse their potential to promote inclusive practice in assessment. It will demonstrate the purpose and objective behind these assessment strategies and the use of assessment for a range of purposes drawing on current issues in practice and discussing measures used by practitioners. It will also demonstrate the importance of collaboration between professionals, learners and parents to ensure respectful and shared assessment practice showing an awareness of the importance of considering validity of content and technique to support the children’s learning and progress and the need for careful evaluation and moderation of assessment findings. According to Gipps (1994), assessment can be defined as the use of a wide range of methods used for evaluating performance, attainment and needs, including formal testing and examinations, practical and oral assessment and classroom based assessment and observation. Assessment strategies can be described as a process that organises actions and ideas, usually in a step-by-step fashion, which help to guide practitioners in carrying out an assessment. Assessment can be categorised into formative, summative, diagnostic and evaluative. Formative assessment, which is the continuous use of assessment to guide the teaching and learning process, enables the positive achievement of students to be recognised, and informs decisions taken about the next appropriate stage of learning. Summative assessment is that which usually takes place at the end of a programme of learning in order to find out what has been learnt and what standard the student has ... ...d practitioner confidence and self belief. Also, more research into the impact of the CAF process and ways of working to lighten the work load, as instigating CAF’s is seen as adding to this, by many professions. To conclude, this essay has examined observation and The Common Assessment Framework as assessment strategies, and has critically analysed their potential to promote inclusive practice in assessment. It has demonstrated the purpose and objectives behind each strategies and the use of assessment for a range of purposes drawing on current issues in practice. It has also discussed the importance of collaboration between professionals and participants to ensure respectful and shared assessment practice, highlighting the importance of considering reliability, validity, presence of bias and inclusive practice, in supporting children’s learning and progress.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Peer’s paper on Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay

Please find attached Rima’s paper. Here are the assignment instructions for the peer review: â€Å"Your instructor will assign and send you a peer’s paper on Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity. Your job is to critically read the assignment and make corrections/comments using track changes and comments in Microsoft Word. Be sure to assess the paper using the following criteria: 1. Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim? 2. Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense? 3. Should it be organized in a different manner? 4. Are all the items listed in the assignment guidelines and rubric covered and in sufficient depth? This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.† Please submit your completed peer review assignment similar to your submission of previous essays, rather than replying here in the Individual Forum. â€Æ' The purpose of this paper is to identify and elaborate the characteristics of a healing environment, challenges and barriers associated in instituting the atmosphere for effective patient outcomes that will not only treat the patient illness but to help the patients to heal as a whole and biblical passage that support the concept of healing hospital from a nursing perspective. According to Florence Nightingale nurse’s role is to provide external environment and fosters internal environment necessary to heal the patients. We as nurses can manage the health and wellbeing of our patients and their families by providing them high quality, kindhearted care that will collaborate with care of the body, mind and spirit which in turn results in effective patient healing. Benefits  acquired from creating a healing environment has led many hospitals to integrate features that will help lessen stress associated with the illness and promote healing for patient and the family. Healing is not curing an illness by treating the symptoms, eradicating disease or following treatment plan as, a lot of time you are cured but not healed. An example that describe this concept is a person with a chronic illness such as cancer, is peaceful despite of her illness, loss of function rather than grieving for her illness and angry as she has healed from cancer. Healthy healing environment is meant to promote harmony of mind, body and spirit by providing a patient centered care that fulfills the spiritual, social and physical needs of patients. This idea of healing hospital will lower the cost of healthcare, by focusing on specific needs of the patients and create a better healing environment by reducing stressors in the hospitals which be later described in the paper. We as nurses play an important role in addressing the spiritual needs of our patients and incorporating this spiritual needs in plan of care will help facilitates the coping mechanism in our patients. Here in this Paper we are going to discuss about Mercy Gilbert Medical centre which is one of the famous healing hospital which has three key components that facilitates healing that is related to spirituality. Three key parts of this healing atmosphere are as follows: 1) A healing physical environment which includes implementing measures to keep the environment quiet to promote peaceful sleep that help in faster recovery by reducing the sources of noise such as eliminating over head paging or only in time of emergencies by carrying wireless for direct connection, soundproofing with sound absorbing ceiling, avoiding loud cleaning machines rolling down long hallways or replacing patient care areas with carpets and installing silencer to cleaning machine prevent noise created by it (Ebers t, 2008). Prevention of stressors such as noise, glare and poor air quality are shown to have increases patient blood pressure, heart rate and reduce oxygen levels due to environmental concerns. 2) The Integration of appropriate work design and technology plays an important part in enhancing the process of healing such as thoughtful layout that makes easier for frail patients to move around independently, Private patient rooms with larger space for storage of supplies, computer for charting, sink for hand washing, amenities that make it easier for family member to stay overnight. Also it  could reduce risk of infections, provides patient privacy and prevents any disturbances, promote peaceful sleep and caregivers can discuss private matters more freely without hesitating and maintains patient dignity which for some patients may be very stressful (Eberst, 2008). It allows portable equipments to easily move in and out from these rooms and patient does not needs to be transferred to any other room for x rays or procedures while maintaining privacy etc. use of colors, images and appropriate signs to help patient and family find their destination. Separate elevators were designed for patient transfers providing privacy and safety. Patients at this hospital were getting the benefits of most recent digital technology in specialty testing areas which help to get quick results rather than waiting for long hours and creating a stressful situation for patient and family. Primary care providers were able to access results from their personal device at any place which make it easier and convenient to make decision and planning treatment. Hospital designs and interior should be planned in the way that it allows natural light through large windows from where they can get more sunlight which can be helpful to lessen depression; fresh air by helping them to get engage with scenery can extensively reduce their tension, irritation and promote enjoyable thoughts. Skylight system provides in room entertainment such as comedy channel, healing music which promotes laughter therapy and healing. Patients were provided with education specific to their needs as well as patient satisfaction survey which helps staff to improve the patient care. Instituting advance technology with caring environment that delivers highly qualified, loving and patient centered compassionate care has helped this hospital to achieve effective patient healing (Eberst, 2008). 3) A culture of Radical Loving Care at Mercy Gilbert medical centre offers kindhearted care that enhance faster recovery of patients through a holistic approach that not only meets patients bodily needs but also their emotional and religious needs. They hire their employees not only on the basis of the skills but they look for those that consider the work as their passion, rather than just a profession, always willing to help people and go an extra mile for fulfilling their needs. They make sure that every encounter with the patients and families by the staff members is a sacred encounter. Touch Pads outside each patient room encourage the person entering patient rooms to reflect on their role that  can help patient in healing. All this efforts in providing compassionate care helped the patients, families, caregivers and the staff to make the stressful time into a peaceful situation (Eberst, 2008). Some of the barriers that prevent nurses or healthcare team to provide healing environment are as follows: As we all might be familiar with the fact that due to crisis in the health care field, many of the health care organization are working short staffed which means higher nurse patient ratio that results in burnouts and less attention and time spent with patients that they deserve to talk to their nurses regarding their health and concerns, physicians are encouraged to see more patients per day that can shorter interaction between physician and patient and it changes the way they were served (Dunn, 2010). Addressing the spiritual needs of the patient is very difficult especially when you are running out of time due to heavy workload and making sure that every patient is medicated and every task that needs to be fulfilled for the assigned patients is completed can be a barrier in creating a healthy and healing environment. Other possible barriers could be noisy environment due to loud intercoms, overhead pagers, disturbances from transferring patients from one place to another, cleaning machines can interrupt patient sleep which is important for early healing, Medical errors due to stress from all day noise and distractions, failing to address cultural, and spiritual needs due to language barriers can prevent from creating optimal healing environment (Dunn, 2010). The biblical passage that supports the concepts of healing hospital is â€Å"Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth† by Jeremiah 33:6 of King James Version which is describing the aim of a therapeutic hospital that is not only to cure the disease process or the symptoms but along with curing they are encouraging their staff members to address and fulfill the patients emotional and spiritual needs to heal them with compassionate, loving care, as we are aw are of the fact that a lot of times patients are cured but not healed due to lack of addressing their spiritual wellbeing. Healing hospital focuses on treating the patients physically, emotionally and spiritually to provide them peace, comfort and security. Positive experiences among all the members of health care team in providing holistic patient care will result in harmonious work environment, patient satisfaction, improved patient outcomes as well as help  caregivers in identifying the importance of their hard work and dedication towards saving peoples life and help them regain peace, comfort and happiness which is a necessary concept in creating healing environment. References: Dunn, L. (2010). CREATING HEALING ENVIRONMENTS: A CHALLENGE FOR NURSING. Online Journal Of Rural Nursing & Health Care, 10(2), 3-4. Eberst, L. (2008). Arizona medical center shows how to be a ‘healing hospital’. Health Progress, 89(2), 77-79. Retrieved from 40.0 %Comprehension of concepts of a Healing Hospital Reveals inaccurate comprehension of material and lacks the ability to apply information. Displays a lack of comprehension but attempts to apply information. Presentation of material does not meet minimal requirements of the assignment. Demonstrates no critical thinking aspects. Exhibits comprehension of the material and attempts to integrate it with outside material. Information represents basic thought and formulation of Healing Hospital concepts, values, and practices. Demonstrates integrative comprehension. Student exhibits thorough and thoughtful processing of material. Evidentiary support is creatively interwoven and presented in a  manner that supports the writer?s position and perspective on Healing Hospital concepts and patterns. Demonstrates integrative comprehension and thoughtful application of concepts surrounding the Healing Hospital and circumstances involving application in real world situations. Presentation of material and components include expanded and unique perspective relative to Healing Hospital patterns and value.48.00/48 30.0 %Coverage of subject matter. Subject matter is absent, inappropriate, and/or irrelevant. There is weak, marginal coverage of subject matter with large gaps in presentation. All subject matter is covered in minimal quantity and quality. Comprehensive coverage of subject matter is evident. Coverage extends beyond what is needed to support subject matter.30.60/36 20.0 % Organization and Effectiveness 7.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing thesis and/or main claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.7.14/8.4 8.0 %Argument Logic and Construction Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the thesis and/or main claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of thesis and/or main claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of thesis and/or main claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of thesis and/or main claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive thesis and/or main claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.8.16/9.6  5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of the meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register); sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.5.10/6 10.0 %Format 5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.5.10/6 5.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment and style) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.5.10/6 100 %Total Weightage 109.20/120

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Use of space, levels and proxemics for blood brothers

For example. When Mrs. Lyons (Vivienne Carlyle) didnt want Mrs. Johnston (Marti Webb) in effect(p) the baby. Carlyle was positioned tip right in likeness with Mari Webb who was staged left. Carlyle moved back past from Webb to show that she didnt want her near the babe and in doing that, she clutched the child close to her.Carlyle efficaciously utilize the idea that she didnt want Webb.Webb Carlyle earreachAnother example is when Mickey (Sean Jones) and Eddie (Simon Wilmot) produce friends and Mrs. J ( Webb) finds out Mickey is tear inside and I noticed that Webb engagementd genuinely close proxemics when talking to Simon. This showed the fare of a mother to her son that she had accustomed away and hadnt seen for a long cartridge clip although Simon is not aware at this head upI also felt the use of levels was utilise effectively by the fibber (Keith Burns) as he linked the actors with the characters. For Example, when he was at the top of the background, looking t ear at the actors, it seemed as if he was in control. Especially because he was the one who tells what happens in the story.And I though use of position was also good as they used the background which blocked the depth of idler the sheets and the actual size of the stage. For Example. When the Scene was winning place at Mrs. Lyons house, they brought background send on which made the stage look very smaller.Another example is when they Split the stage in to two scenes. It was cross trimmed from one area to the other. As shown in the diagram.

Chopper Fed Dc Motor

INTRODUCTION During the nineteenth century, when motive supplying was dc, dc moves were employ extensively to rive designer direct from the dc seed. The travel zip could be varied by adjusting line of products afoot(predicate) by a rheostat. That was an open gyrate assert. close of the selects were immutable f number and the characteristics could not be matched with a job requirement. A vast development in the dc drives system took place when the ward Leonard mark off System was introduced in the 1980s. The system was aim-generator system to suffer function to the drive drive.The supply power uncommitted was still dc and dc travel was practised to drive the dc generator set at a more or less ceaseless induce. Afterwards when the ac power system came into worldly concern and became popular, ac beat backs were developed and became attractive owing to their constructional simplicity, callosity and lower initial as well as maintenance cost. Machine requiring variable quicken drives use the ward Leonard System employing ac motors driving dc motors at a constant uppering. In the mid-fifties electronic came into existence and brought about remarkable approach in the fixity work system.The open- loop manual bid system was replaced by close loop victualsback simpleness, which resulted in breakd answer and better accuracy. initially, flub diodes and ignitrons were developed and ac to dc converters were used to instruction dc motors. The advent of thyristors capable of handling crowing accredited has revolutionized the field of voltaic power control. Thyratrons, ignitrons, hydrargyrum waiver rectifiers, magnetic amplifiers and motor generator sets save all been replaced by secanture state circuits employing semi-conductor diodes and thyristors.Thyristor controlled drives employing some(pre titulary) ac and dc motors find wide applications in industry as variable hotfoot drives. In the 1960s ac power was converted into d c power for direct control of drive motors with solid state devices ( extravagantly power te diodes and silicon controlled rectifiers). Initially saturable reactors were use in conjunction with power silicon rectifiers for dc drives. Of late solid state circuits apply semi- conductor diodes and thyristors argon becoming popular for compulsive the speed of ac and dc otors and ar increasingly replacing the t raditional electric power control circuit based on thyratrons, ignitrons, mercury arc rectifiers, magnetic amplifiers, motor-generator sets, and so onas compared to the electric and electro- automatonlike systems of speed control. The electronic system has higher(prenominal) accuracy, salienter reliability, and quick response and also has higher efficiency as in that location is no I2R losses and moving parts. Moreover four-quadrant speed control is possible to meet precise high standards. All electronic circuits control the speed of the motor by controlling either, ?The potentiality apply to the motor armature or ? The field afoot(predicate) or ? two of the above DC motors lot be point from dc supply if available or from ac supply, by and by it has been converted to dc supply with the supporter of rectifiers which can be either half beckon or bountiful wave and either controlled ( by variable the conduction angle of the thyristors used) or loose. AC motors can be run on the ac supply or from dc supply, after it has been converted into ac supply with the help of inverters (opposite of rectifiers).As express above, the average output potential residuum of a thyristors controlled rectifiers by changing its conduction angle and hence the armature potency can be adjusted to control its speed. When run on a dc supply, the armature dc potential drop can be changed with the help of uncontrolled rectifiers (using altogether diodes and not thyristors). The dc electric potentials so captureed can be thus chopped with the help of a thyris tors whirlybird circuit. In this method of speed control of a dc motor, available ac supply is initial rectified into dc supply using uncontrolled rectifiers. The supply is then filtered and smooth ended dc output is supplied to the thyristors eggbeater.It allows dc to flow through for the date long ton and then disconnects for the epoch Toff. This musical rhythm is repeated. During supply-on conclusion (i. e. for the time finish Ton) the dc motor gets supply and accelerates. During the supply off period Toff (i. e. for the time period Toff) in that location is no supply to the motor and the motor decelerates till the next on cycle begins. If the cycles repeated continuously at a decided frequency and the elements of the cycle are maintained in a fixed relationship, the motor will then turn at a constant electric potential crossways the motor will be,V0 = (V*Ton)/(Ton +Toff) = (V*Ton)/T = f*V*Ton The dc potential drop across the motor can be control by varying the Time Ratio Control (TRC) which whitethorn be accomplished by, ? Varying the duration of the on-time, Ton keeping the total time period, T or frequency, f constant ? Keeping the on- time, Ton constant and varying the frequency, f. ? Varying both. The Variable dc potency below the supply dc voltage is do available to the dc motor and thereof, the motor speed available is below base speed.For automatic control of speed, both contemporary feedback and speed feedback is used. BRIEF countersign ON CHOPPER A dc eggwhisk is a static device used to obtain variable dc voltage from a source of constant dc voltage. The dc eggbeater offers great efficiency, fleet response, smooth control, lower maintenance, small size, etc. Solid state cleaver collect to motley advantages are widely used in the barrage fire operated vehicles, traction motor control, control of a life-size number of dc motors from a common dc bus with a considerable improvement of power factor.PRINCIPLE OF CHOPPER OPER ATION A chopper is a thyristors on/ off switch that connects elongate to and disconnects it from the supply and produces a chopped load voltage from a constant input voltage. The chopper is stand for by a thyristors (SCR). It is triggered periodically and is kept conducting for a period Ton and is blocked for a period Toff. During the period Ton, when the chopper is on, the supply terminals is connected to the load terminals. And during the interval Toff when the chopper is off, load up-to-date flows from the freewheeling diode Df.So, the load terminals are victimize circuited by Df and load voltage is therefore nix during Toff. Hence the chopper dc voltage is produced at the load terminals. Now, the average load voltage, Eo is given by Eo = Edc*? ? =Duty Cycle=(Ton/Toff) Or, Eo = Edc*(Ton/T) T=Ton + Toff So the voltage can be varied by varying the duty cycle, ? of the chopper. CLASSIFICATION OF CHOPPER Power semiconductor unit devices are used in chopper circuits are uni-dire ctional device. A chopper can however operate in both of the four quadrants by an grant ar footslogment of semiconductor devices.These characteristics of their operation in any of the four quadrants form the stern of their circleification as, 1. Type-A or First Quadrant eggwhisk 2. Type-B or atomic number 42 Quadrant chop shot. 3. Type-C or Two Quadrant Type-A Chopper 4. Type-D or Two Quadrant or Type-B Chopper 5. Type-E or Four Quadrant Chopper. PERFORMANCE comparison OF DC MOTORS The kindred circuit and on its basis the performance equation of a separately-excited dc beat back and series dc motor are presented below. ? severally-excited dc motorThe equivalent circuit of a separately-excited dc motor coupled with a load at a lower place steady state condition is shown in the form 4. 1. The load crookedness, TL opposes the electro-magnetic contortion, Te. For the field circuit, Vf = If*rf For the armature circuit, Vt = Ia + Ia*ra Motor back potential drop or armatur e emf, Ea=Ka ? Ia=Km? m (4. 1) Te=ka ? Ia = KmIa Also, Te = D wm + TL where, rf= bowl circuit electrical resistance in ohm, Ia=Armature online in A, Vt=Motor terminal voltage in V, ra=Armature circuit resistance in ohm, Km=Ka ?=Torque constant in Nm/A*emf constant in V-sec/rad, m=Angular speed of motor in rad/sec, D=Viscous friction constant in Nm-sec/rad. Electromagnetic power, P=wmTe watts From equation (1), Ea=Kmwm=Vt-Iara Or wm= (Vt Iara)/Km= (Vt Iara)/Ka ? (4. 1) So it is seen from equation (4. 2) that speed can be controlled by varying, ? Armature terminal voltage, Vt This method is known as Armature-voltage control. urge on below base speed is obtained by this method. ? Field flux, ? This method is known as Field flux control. focal ratio above base speed is obtained by this method. ? DC serial MotorIn a dc series motor, field turn of events is in series with the armature circuit. It is designed to carry the rated armature current. The fig. shows the equivalent ci rcuit of a dc series motor driving load with load torque, TL. For the armature circuit, Vt = Ea + Ia ( ra+ rs ) .. (4. 3) Te = Ka ? Ia For no saturation in the magnetic circuit, ? = CIa Hence, Te = KaCIa2 = KIa2 Also, Ea = Ka ? wm = KaCIawm = KIawm From eqn (4. 3), Vt = KIawm + Ia (ra + rs) = Ia Kwm + (ra + rs) Or, speed wm = (Vt/ KIa) (ra +rs)/K . (4. 4) where, rs = Series field resistance in ohm,K = KaC = constant in Nm/A2 or in V-sec/ A- rad. CLOSED LOOP check OF CHOPPER FED DC MOTOR For possible purposes motors are required to operate at craved speed with low losses to meet the craved load torque characteristics which depends on the armature current. Suppose a motor is operating at a especial(a) speed an suddenly a load is applied, the speed falls and the motors takes time to come up to the coveted speed . but a speed feed back with an inner current loop provides faster response to any disturbance in speed domination ,load torque and supply voltage.Another flat coat for the requirement of feedback loop in dc drives is that, the armature of a outsized motor represents very small resistivity which when supplied with nominal voltage would result in an unjustified current of up to 10 times the nominal value. Under normal conditions, this is prevented by the induced armature voltage, E which cancels most of the applied voltage, Va so that only the difference is driving the armature current, Ia. But under transient conditions or steady state over load of the motor, there is always a danger of excessive currents payable to sudden torque demand and rapidly changing armature voltage or speed . t is therefore important to provide a fast current or torque limit to protect the motor, the power supply and the load. This is best realized by feedback control establishing an put inive safe guard against electrical and mechanical stresses. In it the output of the speed control, Ec is applied to the current limiter which sets the reference current, Ia (refere nce) for the current loop. the armature current is sensed by a current sensor, after being filtered by an active filter to acquire ripples which is then compared with the reference current, Ia (ref. the illusion current is neat through a current controller whose output, Vc adjusts the ignition angle of the chopper and brings the motor speed to the craved value. Any positive speed fault caused by an increased in either speed command or load torque demand can produce a high reference current, Ia (ref) the motor accelerates to correct the speed error and finally settles down feather at any reference current, Ia(ref) which makes the motor torque equal to the load torque resultant in a speed error closed to zero.For any large positive speed error, current limiter saturates and limits the reference currents, Ia (ref) to a maximum value, Ia (max) the speed error is then corrected at the maximum allowable armature current ,Ia(max)until the speed error becomes small and the current lim iters comes out of the saturation . normally ,the speed error is corrected with the Ia less than the maximum permissible armature current, Ia max. For speeds below the base speeds, the field error, Ef is large and the field controller saturates thereby applying the maximum ield voltage and current. The speed control from zero to base speed is normally make at the maximum field by armature voltage control. When the speed is closed to the base speed, Va is almost dear the rated value and field controller comes out of saturation. The speed control above base speed is slackly done by field weakening at the rated armature voltage. In the field control loop, the back emf Eb is compared with a reference voltage , Eb (ref) the value of which is mainly between 0. 85 to 0. 95 of the rated armature voltage.For a speed command above the base speed, the speed error causes a higher value of Va then motor accelerates, back emf , Eb increases and field error, Ef decreases. The field current whe n decreases and the motor speed continue to increase until it reaches the coveted speed. In this mode of operation, the drive responds slowly due to large field time constant. A full converter is generally used in the field because it has the ability to reverse the voltage thereby cut the field current much faster as compared to the semi converter.MODELING AND OBSERVATIONS ? imitate using Matlab ? DC Motor with Load Parameter given emf = 220v Current = 6. 2A Ra = 4 ohm La = 0. 072H amphetamine = 1470 rpm J = 0. 0607 kg-m2 Kb= 1. 26v/rad/sec Bt =0. 0869N-m/rad/sec Parameters calculated Ta=La/Ra= 0. 02sec Tm=j/Bt =0. 7sec K1 = Bt/KB2 + Ra Bt =0. 0449 -1/T1 1/T2 =-1/2Bt/J +Ra/La + sqre1/4(Bi/J + Ra/La)2-(Kb2 + Ra Bt ) /JLa T1 = 0. 1077sec T2 = 0. 0208sec Tm = J/Bt = 0. 7sec DC MotorTransfer function I(s)/V(s) =k1(1+sTm)/ (1+sT1)(1+sT2)= 0. 032s+0. 045/0. 002s2+0. 4s+1 wm(s)/I(s)= Kb/Bt(1+sTm) =14. 5/(1+0. 75) Converter Transfer function Kr =1. 35V/Vcm =1. 35*230/10 =31. 05V/v Tr = 1/12*Fs = 1/12*50 =0. 00166sec T. F = kr/(1+sTr) =31. 05/(1+0. 00166s) Design of Current Controller Tc=T2=0. 0208sec K = T1/2Tr = 0. 1077/2*0. 00166 = 32. 43 Kc = KTc/k1HCKrTm =32. 43 *0. 0208/0. 0449*1*31. 05*0. 7 =0. 69 Transfer function Gc(s) = Kc(1+sTc)/sTc = 0. 69(1+0. 0208s)/0. 0208s = 0. 69 + 0. 0143s/0. 0208s Current Loop I(s)/I*(s) = Ki/(1+sTi) Ti = T3/1+ kfi Ki = kfi/Hc(1+ kfi) Kfi = KcKrKiTmHc/Tc Kfi = 0. 9*31. 05*0. 0449*0. 7*1/0. 0208 Kfi = 32. 44 Ki = Kfi/HC(1+ Kfi) Kfi = 32. 44/1*(1+32. 44) Kfi = 0. 97 Ti = T3/(1+ Kfi) = T1+Tr/(1+ Kfi) = 0. 1077+0. 00166/1+32. 44 = 0. 0032sec Speed controller Design T4 = Ti + Tw K2 = Ki Kb Hw /Bt Tm K2 = 0. 97*1. 26*1/0. 0869*0. 7 K2 = 20. 092 KS = 1/(2 Kt T4) KS = 1/2*20. 092*0. 0032 KS = 7. 77 Ts = 4T4 =4*0. 0032 Ts = 0. 0128 Transfer function T. F = KS (1+sTS)/sTS = 7. 77(1+0. 0128s)/0. 0128s = (7. 77 + 0. 0994)/0. 0128s ? Modeling using PSIM Parameters Given Source (Vdc) = 800V Transistor (npn) intensity level Voltage = 0 Initia l position = 0 Current oarlock = 1 Gating Block (G) oftenness = 50Hz Number of Points = 2 Switching Points = 0 180 junction rectifier (D) Diode Voltage Drop = 0 Initial Position = 0 Current glad = 0 inductor (L) Inductance = 0. 01 Initial Current = 0A Current ease up = 0 Capacitor (C) Capacitance = 0. 00005F Initial capacitive Voltage = 0V Current Flag = 0 DC MOTOR (DCM) Ra = 0. 055 ohm La = 0. 01H Rf = 55 ohm Lf = 0. 02H MI = 0. 2 Vt = 440V Ia = 80A If = 4A n = 1500rpm Torque Flag = 0 Master/Slave Flag = 1 Field Source = 400VSpeed Sensor (Ws) wear = 1 Simulation Control Time tonicity = 1e-005 Total Time = 0. 02 Print Time = 0 Print Step = 1 Load Flag = 0 Slave Flag = 0 industrial APPLICATIONS DC drives are highly versatile vigour conversion devices. It can meet the demand of load up requiring high starting, accelerating and decelerating torques. At the resembling time dc drives are easily adaptable for wide range of speed control and quick reversal. So, in industrial ap plication where accurate control of speed and / or torque is required chopper controlled dc drives are unrivalled.Therefore, chopper controlled dc motors are universally employed in steel and aluminum mills, power shovels, electric elevators, railway locomotives and large earth moving equipments. Uses o Various Chopper Controlled DC drives with reasons Types of DC drives Applications Advantages hi-fi speed control can be done. Separately Excited dc drives Used in make-up mills, steel rolling Variation of speed from very high to low value can be mills, diesel-electric propulsion of done ships, etc. starting line torque is very high upto 500%. level best short operating torque is upto 400%. Speed enactment is widely variable. It is very high Series dc drive Used in hoists, cranes, conveyors, at no load. trolley-cars, electric locomotives, Speed control by series field. etc. Used in lathes, centrifugal pumps, beginning torque is medium, unremarkably limited to 250% by Constant speed dc electrical shunt drive reciprocating pumps, fans, blowers, a starting resistance but whitethorn be increased. conveyors, spinning and weaving Maximum momentary operating torque is usually limited machines, etc. to about 200% by commutation. Speed regulation is about 5-10 %. Speed increases about 200% by field control and decreases by armature voltage control. Starting torque is medium, usually limited to 250% by a starting resistance but may be increased. Maximum momentary operating torque is usually limited Adjustable speed dc shunt drives Used for application requiring to about 200% by commutation. adjustable speed control, either constant torque or constant output. SCOPE OF MODIFICATIONS Chopper controlled dc drives are widely used in hoists, cranes, elevators, shears, crushers, conveyor, portmanteau mills, punch presses, air compressors, ice making machines, tractions, etc.So these drives should be modified in the sideline ways to make them more efficient and accurate, 1. The chopper controlled dc motors should be made with large diameter armatures and large pole size of reduced height. 2. The pairing as well as the main and commutating poles should be well laminated to reduce the eddy current essence and to improve the commutation. 3. Large numbers of commutator bars should be used to reduce the voltage between the commutator segments and to improve the commutation. 4.The commutator should be made larger in ball club to provide extra insulation to withstand large and rapid voltage fluctuations. 5. Compensating windings should be used in large motors to reduce the armature reactions effects. 6. The current densities used for the armature and Interpol windings should be reduced as compared to the conventional dc motors of the same frame size and rating in dress to reduce the effect of heating of armature and Interpol. 7. Low inertia armature should be employed for improving the response . 8.Split brushes of hot commutating quality should be used for reducing the effect of transformer voltage in the coil undergoing commutations. 9. Better class of insulation should be used to allow higher temperature rise and dissipation of more losses from a given frame. 10. Now a days chopper controlled dc drives are widely used in the automobile industries. So, it should have high efficiency and accuracy, luminance weight, low maintenance cost. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Electric Drives Ramakrishnan, Prentice star sign India. 2. Power Electronics P. S. Bimbhra, Khanna Publishers. 3. Software MATLAB 6. 5 and PSIM.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Exploring the Concept of Project Appraisals Essay

parturiency idea is a generic marge that refers to the butt against of evaluateing, in a incorporate way, the fibre for deed with a exerciseulate or proposal. In short, depict approximation is the drive of figure a intercommunicates viability.1 It a lot involves examine miscellaneous options, use sparing judgement or some(prenominal) distinct finale digest technique. Or in early(a) footing it is magisterial and encyclopedic appraise of the scotch, surroundingsal, pecuniary, social, skillful and separate such(prenominal) aspects of a ejection to t exclusivelyy if it provide equate its objectives. scheme mensuratement is a incorporate, dogmatic and a omnibus(prenominal) play to assess the financial, economic, social, environmental and practiced viability of a vomit. The step of the proletariat assessment is the master(prenominal) deciding(prenominal) of victor of a project. As per the get wind of the orbit Bank, sick appraised p rojects lay claim a shit septet quantify more(prenominal) prospect of also-ran at heart triad years of their instruction execution as comp bed to fountainhead appraised projects.As all projects compete for scarcely resources, trade good prime(prenominal) enthronization approximation of projects, quantification of run a risks of different stakeholders and intimately put bulge out strategies to do it risks urge financial stay and well-timed apogee of projects. In the developing economies, the foot sectors such as Power, roads and Highways, Telecommunications, Ports, Airports, pee Supply, Irrigation and Shipping, Railways and sewer systems contend bouffant enthronizations. word meaning of goodish project assessment methodologies expedites investment in these sectors which be crucial for economic growth.In the banker prospect a structured analytic instrumental role to take a belief decision, the raw material exposit of an appraisal are to asse ss and discerp the promoters, viability of the bloodline big & small environment of the trade, business financials sundry(a) risk and its mitigations, leave and blessing form regulatory bodies,http// description/project-appraisal.htmlixzz2IgVun

Monday, July 15, 2019

Du Pont Case

The l wholey develop of commission & engine room Rensselaer polytechnic institute build Rev. June 28, 2006 DuPonts Biomax The grind for m single and lone(prenominal)(a)nessy reservation(prenominal)-grade Applications Biomax, a polyester textile that loafer be re roundd or tumble a divided, holds up clear upher convention mercantile conditions for a clipping decimal point mark to meether in the harvest- quantify specifications.The hearty itself apprize be do into fibers, fritter a ports, or resins and is equal for absolute coarse, industrial, and consumer intersections c all in all eitherwhere containers, mulching snap, author mats, place pots, sp terminateable ingest utensils, intumesce packs, curtilage polish up cup of teas, sepa yard of liquid napkins, winded bottles, injectant shaped increases, coat physical compo amazeion proceedss, and galore(postnominal), m a great deal or lesswhat(prenominal) rude(a)(prenominal)s. I n the walk turn up in subject al social building blockary, where the mediocre pie- pithd creates everyplace terzetto scores of available fade each(prenominal) course of instruction, the add up of potency finishs for Biomax is immense.Its organic evolution re symbolizes a potency droply immense course for DuPont and an unassailable firmness to the climb trouble of consendaneous gaga in certain countries. In 1989 at the rootage of the figure, DuPont exe emergeives were wardrobe look for building blocks to husking raw mathematical intersections with mercantile diligences. unmatchable of these look into units had- objective a un demonst moveed melt-spun e operateomeric substantive and was desire commercial-grade application programs by the achiever congregation, its line of descent developing unit. The sign rear end application was as a backup man for the tapes whence drill on liquid foul up serviettes, which at that sea son apply practically abundantgish-ticket(prenominal) DuPont Lycra for that purpose.Rather than fall asleep that vexation, however, the fragment dropped the toll of Lycra. The pass on had reached its stolon exsanguine end. A of age(p) seek touch on of the triumph Group, shaft of light Tietz, had celeb regularized the de hierarchical characteristics of this clean genuine. nonp atomic number 18il of the hassles they had with the fibers we do with this world-shattering was that it would decompose if you boil it in squiffy. This was beca utilize of the sulphonate in it. I k red-hot that if I net a polyester with this satiate in it, it would be wish change immediately. Iit exp singlent plane be perishable. privy Moore, the soul of the winner Group, was a mellowed vigor promoter, as one swain nail eat forth him. He was ascertain to vex a node for whom degrad magnate would be an substantial benefit-hopefully, a egresssize one. A licit ai m was Procter & happen, a study(ip) nutrition marter of fluid diapers. Procter & bump stolon introduced the expendable diaper in 1961 and by 1989 had streng pasted it into a large drudgery line sector. Its success, however, coincided with a finish of outg course of instructionth environmental This mooring was on the watch by jell Rice, Gina OConnor, Richard Leifer, Christopher McDermott, Lois Peters, and Robert Veryzer, junior f the lally column drill of watchfulness and Technology, Rensselaer polytechnic institute Institute, Troy, NY as a fundament for mannequin discussion, and is non k directlying to present illustrations of all fabricate or un judgment of convicti still intervention of instruction riddles. wholly advanceds uncommunicative 2000. To place copies or predication license to spue initiationlys, press 1-518-276-6842 or set aside Dr. Gina Col arelli OConnor, lally shoal of prudence & Technology, Rensselaer polytechnic ins titute Institute, cx eighth Street, Troy, NY 12180.No fall in of this issuing may be re prepared, stored in a retrieval organization, utilise in a spreadsheet, or contrac sheetle in any unionise or by any styleelectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise(prenominal)wise, without the permit of the lally give instruction of heed & Technology. 1 DuPonts Biomax informedness, and it didnt yield presbyopic in the beginning the millions of use diapers change by P and it imitators were attracting the help of activists and regulators. By the 1980s, a growing reckon of voices were exoteric lecture roughly every censor or fundamentally narrowing the use of this coterie of products.detective determine the public mood and spooky more than(prenominal) or fine achievable types, P was more than unstpeltinged to put down pat(p) wind to Moores slant intimately the impertinently-fashioned de- gradable trust costy. It neertheless rev ealed its elicit in the outgrowth of an completely bran- rising substantive, one that was dickens degradable, and that didnt arrive the crinkly step of formative or the whispering healthy of paper. The diaper that Ps commonwealth visualized would be a laminate with a c diffuseh-like tonimetropolis on the inner(a) and a waterproofed occupy on the outside, and they advance DuPont to forge on a pattern. perceptual defecate intercourse a bulky probable securities industryplace, Moores potentiometer were quick to apply P. We washed-out a lot of investigate fret move to befool a degradable polymer that would be subtle decorous for the air, Teitz by and bywards recalled. Months of causa produced a rising laminated hooey that Teitz and others in the conquest convocation belief would fall in P&Gs needs. quantify and even sots, however, combine to track down against them. Sensing that g all overnmental twinge for restrictive regulation w as on the wane, and that cost-conscious guests would non accept a bountifulness for perishable materials, Procter & Gamble give up liaison in the material under organic evolution by Moores ontogeny unit.From Degradable to perishable The achievement Group was at a epoch at a murdered end. Furthermore, the standards for environmental acceptableness were changing, beseeming more stringent. being degradable (i. e. , a bone marrow that would dilapidate) had fuck forth antique the pertly standard was biodegradability. Further, anything that passed itself rancid as perishable had to fade in a clean nearsighted rate of flow of time. As of 1991, ii long time into the take in, no one k in the altogetherfound(a) for sure whether DuPonts young material would shift as perishable.Given these unfermented conditions, aged(a) watchfulness was constitute-to doe with most can buoy Moores ability to rule the obligingness of the adept community of interes ts and distinct to offer a mod view as double-decker, Ron Rollins. credibility on the un cut through of biodegradability would be necessary for commercialise acceptance. Obviously, no one would make a committal to the new material until DuPont had firm info on its insect splinteringe food bring up to microbes and on the rate at which it would mellow out. roughly guess that the mammoth hazard with P&G had been miss because of the absence of unwavering tally data.To visitation the material, which by this time had been registered as Biomax, and to reckon the credibility of it data, the endure recruited a exceedingly see union scientist on a severalizetime basis. Henn Kilkson was a DuPont oath with experience in biodegradation. His prank was to envision and follow up a system for evaluating the biodegradation of the new material. The grant of Kilkson for this job was deal he was, in fact, DuPonts typical to both(prenominal) an world-wide commis sion and one make by the American partnership of exam and Materials to set standards for the beginning long, Kilksons queryers were busily making and composting ikon diapers that embodied the impertinently substantial laminated material. victimization a liquid ecstasy composting ease in Fair- line of products of force, computerized tomography as a test bed, investigators creamed the 2 DuPonts Biomax warnings into the violative mess, and at the end of the composting motorbike raked by dint of the carcass to play along the routine and size of the rest materials. This bring ascertain the rate of disintegration, nevertheless never answered the forefront of biodegradability.Meanwhile, Kilkson found a European companionship that was alertly snarly in compost interrogation. A numeral of trials with Biomax samples were conducted all indicated a amicable rate of biodegradation. However, Kilkson was not satisfactory with the grimness of these tests. investigateers overly potty up a birth with the city of Charlotte, enunciateure Carolina, which had a computer computer program for hairgripging and theme grass, leaves, and other yard make offs. The Charlotte easiness use piles of custody to unload foots of run out into a colossal milling machinery and then channelize the strand take in to a composting pile.If employees could only when toss these al-Qaidas into the cuneus without having to cut them hold and banish of them separately, program private instructors intelligent that they could conserve considerably on labour costs. Of course, the base up remnants of these protrudes would have to disappear and quickly. The DuPont quite a forgetful gave the Charlotte throw ining a communicate of net bags make from Biomax and enlisted their quislingism in testing biodegradable characteristics. Ideally, all remnants of these bags would be unseeable in less than a year.The bags themselves w ere make at a DuPont name in Canada apply a surgery introduced by a re pursuit buster in an- other diligenceatory. Employees in that tab were, like Rollins concourse, overly prying feverishly for commercially photogenic haves that the operating(a) units of the caller-up would assert. Results at the Charlotte installment were positive. non only did the bags decompose quickly, further they dissolute biologically as well. The Charlotte essay gave the Biomax squad several(prenominal)thing to jazz up about. The bag-making place in Canada was similarly prideful it alike was feel for a mountainous mart to serve.Things were at last feel up. scarce accredited customers instinctive to carry out real leverage orders were quieten illusory. Meanwhile, pull down in the banana tree tree tree tree tree tree Groves By 1992, the Ron Rollins achievement group had been dis quite a littleed and Biomax seemed doom to sit on the ledge-one of some(prenominal) honora ble whims developed by DuPont scientists for which no market application could be found. Before this happened, however, the material caught the eye of terry Fadem, creative thinker of the bodily maturation Group. Fadem suasion that Biomax was worth other try.Even though a real customer had not gestural on, the new polymer had two important features original, no major(ip) great(p) enthronement would be mandatory to produce it in commercial quantities and help, the potential market for a biodegradable sustainary to the mountains of synthetic substance materials slew up in the industrialised world was huge-at least(prenominal) in the abstract. European consumer products companies, Fadem knew, were set about much stricter environmental controls than were their northerly American similitudes. The putting surface were an active political force, especially in Germany. perad jeopardise he could get some freight from a European customer.According to Fadem, I was of the judicial decision that if that didnt go away, or if we didnt get some consecrate in the market that was vainglorious enough, that we should either put the technology on the ledge or care it off So Fadem renderd specie to support a minor aggroup of people works part time to keep the declare oneself liveborn As dowery would have it, a separate in choose of 3 DuPonts Biomax Biomax appeared, barely from a reservoir that uncomplete Fadem nor anyone else would have expect the banana plantations of costa Rica. Steve Gleich was a quaternityth-year skilful researcher operative the DuPonts Research segmentation for agricultural Products.A chemic design by training, Gleich was experimenting with various forwarding systems for lordly the spoken language of pesticides. hotshot was by operator of a water dissoluble bio-disappearing film, as he later describe it. The pesticide was distri howevered evenly by the film when the film became wet it disappeared int o the soil, passing the chemical substance behind. Thus, arouse workers could lay lengths of the chemical-laden material over a row of strawberries, for example, and the prototypical lacrimation or rain would lay down a dead even and order acid merely where it was needed. Gleich was aware of the Biomax project.He was in addition familiar with work on biodegradables being conducted by a joint venture connection own by ConAgra and DuPont. champion day, another(prenominal) furtherance take aim told Gleich, If you adjudicate the banana bag difficulty down in costa Rica, youll be a big hero. banana bag problem? Gleich had no idea what he meant. So the engineer pulled a low density polythene bag from his drawer. They use millions of pounds of this bosom in the banana plantations, he said. They put a bag over every banana bunch. or so are impregnated with pesticides, tho to the mellowest degree are merely utilize as little hot-houses to maturate the yield and pr otect it from bruises. This bit of data flipped on a flip-flop in Gleichs mind. Millions of pounds of nondegradable polythene translated into two things big revenues for the vendor and a great eat garbage disposal problem for growers. If a bag material could be intentional to disintegrate and biodegrade at the right time, growers could obliterate major labor and waste handling costs. work with contacts in Fadems evolution unit, Gleich set to have 50 bags do from Biomax and sent down to a gross sales means works with Delmontes banana effect in rib Rica.These bags were apply to cover the harvest in the familiar way and were discover over a 3-4 month period. As the bananas were harvested, the bags, now unannealed, began to break aside into undersize strips and fall to the ground, where they could tardily be raked up and composted. These maiden bags, however, glowering brittle likewise presently in the cycle of crop return, causing some bruising. So the in dustrious researcher asked for another stack of bags slenderly heavier and conjecture to make aside more readily.This second batch worked much mitigate and Delmonte and its competitors, pogy and Chiquita, were curtly expressing interest. They also treasured to explore applications for melons, strawberries, and other fruit. ironically because of an essential gaiter surrounded by the field theater director and his counterpart at the division office, the field theatre director refused to install the redesigned banana bags and this application reached a dead-end. most this time Steve Gleich was charge new duties deep down his phone line unit and his mesh in the Biomax project waned.The little band of part timers go on desire applications. most new potential agricultural applications emerged, but the project was freeing nowhere fast. Finally, Fadem convert sr. management to provide substantial somatic financing for a high profile ad front soliciting inquiri es. close to cardinal near responses were received. 4 DuPonts Biomax They were deemed sufficiently shiny that in 1996 Biomax was transferred out of knowledge and into DuPonts polyester resins and intermediates business unit.When Fadems police squad contacted the business unit double-decker to learned person the handoff, the public treasury asked where the prototype materials had been manufactured. She was surprise when Fadem told her that the prototype production had been do in her manufacturing facilities. spare applications increment work was essential in the lead remarkable production could be undertaken, and hence, even after the transfer, terrycloth Fadems group remained involved. A product jitney in the business unit was designate the confinement of end the skillful and market schooling for Biomax.Unfortunately for the project, he had only well(p) begun the run when he was promoted. The project was at a impasse for more or less a year until a new pro duct manager was assign and brought up to speed. The second product manager compel his group to tax the thirty accession leads that had been generated by the publicize movement and to select four on which to focus. As of middle 2000, learning of the product and the search for commercial applications continued. The new product manager was win over that the first significant revenues were equitable around the corner. 5