Monday, February 17, 2020

Ethics Related Information Management System Essay

Ethics Related Information Management System - Essay Example It is paramount to understand, manage and maintain highly diverse values in the school operation so as to the issues of ethics highly accessible and understandable for all. Much of contemporary literature concerning information management ethics is not directed toward the actual benefits of managers and leaders of the school institution (the people who are primarily responsible ethic management in the school community), but it is a domain for all parties involved both managers and students. Lack of primary information is not the mistake of the academics, social critics or philosophers, (Bynum and Rogerson). This challenge is the result of insufficient involvement managers and leaders in the literature and discussion about school ethics. All the leaders and managers school must participate to assist address the ethical issues. The socialization process and the environment to which learners and the entire school community are exposed remain critical factors that determine the character building and academic success. Every school environment critically contributes to the information system of the school and the general shaping of the ethical values of both the student and teachers before joining the labour market. Effectiveness of ethics and its contribution help in shaping the moral values of the school community. Ethics deal with the people’s moral actions. Mainly school ethics apply to teachers, students, the school board and administrators. In each case, a conduct of conduct is established form within the school institution, via the professional, organization. This code of ethics provides ethical standards that regulate the behavior of the people associated with and how they are supposed to relate with others in the decision-making process and working. It also helps in management of the information system of school. Ethical codes outline the outcomes for the parties that do not follow the school ethic policies concerning the handling of the school vital information, examinations, school records and other relevant information. The ethics are designed to develop an atmosphere of honesty, exemplary citizenship and trust in relation to students the ethics are based on student showing respect for the administrators, teachers, parents, school non-teaching staff and other students. In addition, the ethics require that students should respect the program of the school, facilities and the school information, as well. Ethics guard about plagiarism among the students, they are required by law to submit for marking their own unique work and be ready to face the consequences and punishment such as expulsion, suspension or other related administrative actions if they plagiarize their work. Administrators and teachers are ethically guided through the institutional and professional, ethical codes. The law demands them to establish a learning atmosphere that promotes high ethical standards for learners through instruction and modeling. In addition , the administrators and teachers must provide a safe learning condition where all students have equal educational opportunities and are able to attain success. Ethic demands that educators should show high ethical standards when conveying some information concerning the school or communicating with the peers, students, parents and other party’

Monday, February 3, 2020

Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs in Texas Dissertation

Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs in Texas - Dissertation Example The paper tells that the adoption of the Texas Safe Schools Act in 1995, stipulated that all public district schools in Texas provide Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs (DAEPs). The main idea behind the introduction of the DAEPs was to provide an alternative education program for the students who had been temporarily removed from the normal educational setting for disciplinary reasons as explained by. The agency further points that Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs offer different environment for the students who commit criminal offenses outlined in Chapter 37 of the Texas Educational Code (TEC) or almost any disciplinary violation. These are in line with recommendations of Federal Gun Free School Act of 1994 which required all states in the country to implement zero tolerance policies to contain the perceived increased violence in schools across the country. Introduction of DAEPs in Texas as explained by was aimed at providing an alternative to suspension or expul sion of students involved in indiscipline cases at school. Suspension as asserted by (Levin, 2006 p. 5) is highly disruptive of the learning of students. DAEPs provide a temporary stay for student to help in behaviour change through mandatory or discretionary referral. Although mandatory placement is in line with the provisions of Chapter 37 of TEC, discretionary placement as argued by is usually a violation of the school districts’ code of conduct. ... Discretionary placement records the highest number of students in the program with (Reyes, 2007) reporting that in 2004, 82 percent of the referrals into the program was discretionary while 18 % were mandatory placement. Currently, the student population in Texas has risen to 4.8 million students which have also been reflected in changed number of students in DAEPs. This has created constrains in the effectiveness of the program since the student to teacher ratio is not favourable. To effectively discharge the envisioned mandate, DAEPs needs to implement some best practices and observe some standards as explained by (Texas Education Agency, 2007). The agency argued that a relevant curriculum should be adopted to guarantee the educational and social needs of the students. Moreover, (Texas Education Agency, 2007) recommends that these programs must have adequate and dedicated teachers coupled with parent involvement. In addition, the program offers counselling to entrants and their fam ilies. This paper will basically set to answer the question of how the population of DAEPs changed between 1999 and 2000 and evaluate whether these changes reflect changes in the broader student population. It will also review literature on the advent of DAEPs and the policy framework governing DAEPs in Texas. The paper will also explore the best practices for DAEPs and the impact of the program on the referrals. It will then propose changes that could be implemented to the program to make it a success in transforming the lives of the entrants. Definition of Disciplinary Alternative Education Program As early as 1970s, district schools in United States started offering alterative education programs for students perceived to be at a high risk