Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nuclear Weapons (356 words) Essay Example For Students

Nuclear Weapons (356 words) Essay Nuclear WeaponsThe topic of nuclear weapons is one that will be around forever. One of myfavorite lines from the reading we had was that we cannot uninvent nuclearweapons and this is completely right. If asked outright if I am for or againstnuclear weapons I would have to say that I am very much for them and I thinkthey are and absolute necessity for our country. We one of the riches countriesin the world but I think that also makes us the biggest target in the world. Ithink for us to have nuclear weapons is an absolute necessity, I do at the sametime believe we should never fire them. If we were to totally rid ourselves ofnuclear weapons we might as well put a big sign on the front lawn of the WhiteHouse saying the country was for sale to the highest bidder or whoever had thebiggest bomb. The nuclear weapons we do have ended the cold war, stopped Sadamin Iraq, and probably have stopped many other attacks on our country and ourcitizens. People have seen what nuclear weapons can do from the bombings inJapan that ended World War 2. These are powerful images in peoples mind andnot something they can deal with if they decide to attack the US. The case forthe removal of nuclear weapons is a very good one. These are indeed in thefullest extent of the words, weapons of mass destruction. These weapons posemany fears as well as morality questions that are all brought up by theanti-nuclear people. The fact that the weapons are not capable of only wipingout military targets is one that really gets to me. Weapons should never be usedagainst civilians and there is nothing to stop a nuclear weapon from affectingonly military targets. Another fear of mine related to these weapons has to dowith it takes very little effort to do a large amount of damage. Nuclear weaponsare neither an offensive nor a defensive weapon. They are more of a scaretactic. We as a world leader must always be on the cutting edge with our weaponsand weapons systems or else, we will no longer be that world leader.

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